Health and Safety Policy
We understand that our employees are the most valuable asset and resource of the company, and therefore the health and safety of all company personnel is paramount.
We comply with all statutory and industry regulations relating to health and safety and regularly review the systems and procedures to ensure compliance with any new regulations or industry best practices.
Our systems and processes in place are designed to meet the incident target of zero. Our personnel are fully trained for the activities they are asked to perform and all relevant health and safety information is made readily available. Where skills gaps are identified we provide all necessary training.
We are committed to conducting all operations in such a manner so as to avoid harm to the environment and reduce the environmental impacts of our operations to the lowest practicable levels using best available technology. We comply with relevant environmental legislation and act positively to reduce consumption and levels of waste, promoting recycling of materials and using only licensed waste handlers for all disposal. We apply the principle that all environmental incidents are preventable by identifying, assessing and adequately controlling environmental risk, ensuring all relevant control measures are fully implemented.
At FJN GEM, we continuously improve our safety performance and promote a positive health and safety culture within the company. We involve employees in the health and safety decision making and provide a process for two way communication between employees and management. This ensures regular communication across the business of health and safety performance, incident details and results from the system monitoring.
We are committed to delivering quality services on time and to budget, that meets or exceeds our customers’ requirements. Quality is built into our deliverables through the processes employed throughout our projects, from initial kick off, during the course of all project stages and to final handover.